Climbing Types

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    Climbing Types

    Top Roping

    Top-roping is where many people start, where the rope runs over a pulley above, protecting the climber from falling. You’ll need a climbing partner to stand at the bottom and belay (control the rope) while you climb. You take turns climbing. Many of the walls at Rockface are dedicated to top-roping, and climbers of all levels take part in this type of climbing. There is no upper or lower age limit for climbing, but you must be 12 or older to belay.


    Bouldering is technically the practice of climbing on large boulders, typically close to the ground, so protection takes the form of crash pads and ‘spotting’ (a friend to help protect you) instead of safety ropes. This is simulated in the gym by climbing on purpose-built short walls, or just traversing around the main gym walls. Bouldering is an individual activity, although once you start to try more difficult bouldering problems (especially in outdoor climbing), you will want people there to spot you. We have a large, dedicated bouldering wall available.

    Lead Climbing

    Lead climbing is a more advanced form of climbing in which the climber takes the rope up tied to their harness, clipping it through our pre-placed anchors as he or she climbs. Lead Climbers need to complete a Lead Climbing course, show a valid Lead Pass from a recognised climbing gym, or pass a brief lead climbing certification demonstration to our staff before they can use our lead walls unsupervised.

    Rockface Indoor Climbing Centre

    Rockface Indoor Climbing Centre
